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CV for Tony Cohn

A full CV for Tony Cohn can be found here: CV-september-2024 (updated from time to time)

A 5 page CV for Tony Cohn can be found here: cv 5 pages April 2024 (updated from time to time)

A brief bio suitable for talk introductions/web pages can be found below:

Anthony (Tony) Cohn is Professor of Automated Reasoning in the School of Computer Science, University of Leeds. His current research interests range from theoretical work on spatial calculi (receiving a KR test-of-time classic paper award in 2020) and spatial ontologies, to cognitive vision, modelling spatial information in the hippocampus, and Decision Support Systems, particularly for the built environment, as well as robotics. He is Foundation Models lead at the Alan Turing Institute where he is conducting research on evaluating the capabilities of large language models, in particular with respect to commonsense reasoning, and is also a co-investigator on a project combining LLMs and probabilistic answer set programming.  He is Editor-in-Chief of Spatial Cognition and Computation and was previously Editor-in-chief of the AI journal. He has previously been President of IJCAI, EurAI, KR inc, and AISB. He is the recipient of the 2021 Herbert A Simon Cognitive Systems Prize, and is also (uniquely)  the recipient of  Distinguished Service Awards from the three main international AI societies:  IJCAI, AAAI and EurAI, as well as from KR Inc. He is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering,  the Learned Society of Wales, the AI societies AAAI, AISB,  EurAI and AAIA, as well as the CORE Academy (International Core Academy of Sciences and Humanities) and the International AI Industry Alliance.